Statistics and medicine. A beginner's approach


Axel Javier Zevallos Aquije
Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú
Alvaro José Maravi Cardenas
Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú
Karen Juliza Palomino Salcedo
Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú


Statistics, Medicine, Health Statistics, Statistical Analysis.


Statistics is a mathematical discipline that is responsible for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data to obtain meaningful conclusions. Its origins date back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who already used rudimentary methods to keep numerical records and identify different risks. However, its consolidation as a modern science occurred in the 17th century with the development of probability calculus, laying the foundations for its application in a wide range of fields. The importance of statistics lies in its ability to provide tools and techniques that enable informed decision making in various fields. From economics to medicine, statistics plays a crucial role. In the field of medicine, its first uses date back to the 18th century with clinical trials, allowing the effectiveness of medical treatments and procedures to be evaluated. Over the years, statistics and medicine have established fundamental links with which they have demonstrated their importance for the evolution of humanity. Currently, the conjunction between statistics and medicine has led to impressive contemporary achievements. From the development of clinical trials and observational studies to solutions in epidemiological aspects. These achievements have radically transformed the way we approach health and wellness in contemporary society.


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Author Biographies

Axel Javier Zevallos Aquije, Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú

Bachiller en Ingeniería Industrial.

Alvaro José Maravi Cardenas, Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú

Bachiller en Ingeniería Industrial. Magister en Dirección y Administración de Empresas.

Karen Juliza Palomino Salcedo, Universidad César Vallejo | Lima | Perú

Bachiller en Contabilidad y Administración.


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Statistics and medicine. A beginner's approach



December 20, 2023


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